About Me

(CV [updated in Mar 2024])

I am an Inria (ISFP) researcher in the ROMA team at LIP, ENS Lyon. Previously, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the ALPINES team at Inria Paris. I was also a postdoctoral researcher at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. I completed my PhD in 2017 at Inria Bordeaux under the supervision of Olivier Beaumont, Emmanuel Agullo, Lionel Eyraud-Dubois, and Samuel Thibault. After completing my Master's from IISc, Bangalore, and prior to joining PhD program, I worked at IBM India Research Lab for 17 months in High Performance Analytics group.

My main area of research is High Performance Computing (HPC). Presently I am interested in the design of parallel and scalable algorithms for tensor computations. A tensor is a generalization of vectors and matrices, and also can be viewed as a multidimensional array. It is common in HPC community to work with the matricized version of the tensor while performing different operations. The matricized version may hinder some of the multidimensional properties of the tensor. It may also increase data movement costs significantly when operating with different matricized versions of the same tensor. My approach is to consider tensors as multidimensional objects and extend existing (mostly matrix) techniques and algorithms for tensors. I also perform theoretical analysis (in terms of computations and communications) and implementations of the proposed algorithms for the state-of-the-art HPC systems. In past, I have worked on scheduling, design of new runtime systems, and performance analysis & optimization for heterogeneous systems. Most of my work was related to prove bounds for the scheduling algorithms or to obtain the maximum performance from the systems.



The following list is extracted from HAL and displays all my recent publications. The complete list is available on Google scholar.